In the Early Childhood Behavior Lab, we conduct innovative research that helps infants and young children and their families while also advancing science. Specifically, our research focuses on understanding behavior and related constructs in early childhood, as well as developing and testing interventions to improve outcomes for children and their families, particularly among at-risk and underserved populations.
Our work is shared with other experts in the field via scientific articles that are published in peer-reviewed journals and books, as well as presentations at scientific conferences. Our research is also funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health and other federal, state, and local organizations.
Current Projects
Examining Complex Transactional Associations among Family Media Use, Caregiver- Child Interactions, and Behavioral Functioning in At-Risk Young Children (R01HD114644)
Co-Principal Investigators: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP, and Shayl Griffith, Ph.D
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Dates: 2024-2029
Preventive Intervention for Behavior Problems in Infants from High-Risk Families (RO1HD102201)
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP
Co-Investigators: Jeremy Pettit, Ph.D., Paulo Graziano, Ph.D., Leonard Bickman, Ph.D., and Stefany Coxe, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Dates: 2020-2025
We are examining the efficacy and maintenance of a remote preventive intervention targeting parenting to improve behavior and regulation in infants from high-risk families to prevent the need for later, more intensive treatment in childhood.
Promoting Child Language Acquisition Through a Preventive Parenting Intervention (R01HD102201S1)
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP
Co-Investigators: Melissa Baralt, Ph.D., Shayl Griffith, Ph.D., Jeremy Pettit, Ph.D., and Stefany Coxe, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Dates: 2023-2024
Estimating Children's Soil and Dust Ingestion Rates for Exposure Science (EPA84019901)
Principal Investigator: Natalia Soares Quinete, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP, Piero Gardinali, Ph.D., and Florence George Ph.D.
Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency
Dates: 2021-2024
The main aim of this project is to implement an innovative methodology based on non-targeted screening approach (NTA) to identify specific tracers of dust and soil exposure, which combined with relevant information on children’s behavior, activities, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic data for different age groups could provide a more accurate estimates of soil and dust ingestion rate.
Epigenomic Mechanisms of Risk and Resilience: The Role of Parenting (R01MD015401)
Principal Investigator: Justin Parent, Ph.D.
Co-Investigators: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP, Jonathan S. Comer, Ph.D., Andres Cardenas, Ph.D., and Carmen J. Masit, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
Dates: 2020-2025
This study aims to understand how changing social context alters the epigenome among at-risk young Hispanic children and potentially ameliorates the biological embedding of adversity.
Completed Projects
Adapting a Parenting Intervention to Promote Healthy Screen Time Habits in Young Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems (R21HD104367)
Co-Principal Investigators: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP, and Shayl Griffith, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Dates: 2022-2024
Bidirectional Associations between Parental Distress and Behavior Problems in Children with Developmental Delay (F31HD104336)
Principal Investigator: Brynna H. Heflin, M.S.
Co-Investigators: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP, Jonathan S. Comer, Ph.D., Jeremy W. Pettit, Ph.D., Timothy S. Hayes, Ph.D., and Ester J. Calzada, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Development
Dates: 2020-2022
This project examined longitudinal and bidirectional associations between parental distress and behavior problems in children with developmental delay and the extent to which family acculturation and enculturation moderates this association.
Internet Treatment for Behavior Problems in Preschoolers with Developmental Delay (R01HDHD084497)
Co-Principal Investigators: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP and Jonathan S. Comer, Ph.D.
Co-Investigator: Stefany Coxe, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Dates: 2015-2020
We are interested in the impact of Internet-delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on child disruptive behavior problems, parenting practices, parental distress, and early academic skills relative to traditional referrals as usual for behavioral problems among youth aging out of Part C Early Intervention services. For some additional information, visit the study website.
Mental Health Services for Infants/Toddlers Receiving Part C Early Intervention (R34MH110541)
Co-Principal Investigators: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP & Stacy L. Frazier, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health
Dates: 2017-2020
Our goal is to develop and examine a workforce support and mental health service model for families of infants/toddlers with developmental delay to reduce
Diversity Supplement to Mental Health Services for Infants/Toddlers Receiving Part C Early Intervention (R34MH110541S1)
Principal Investigator: Frances Martínez-Pedraza, Ph.D.
Co-Primary Sponsors: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP & Stacy L. Frazier, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health
Dates: 2018-2020
We build on our established partnerships with Early Intervention stakeholders to infuse mental health screening and progress monitoring with the goal of supporting and informing clinical decision making and catalyze action around mental health concerns (e.g., autism, externalizing, and internalizing behaviors).
Effect of Parent Emotion-Related Talk on Infant Behavior and Regulation (F31HD088084)
Principal Investigator: Nicole E. Barroso
Mentors: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP, Lorraine Bahrick, Ph.D., Paulo A. Graziano, Ph.D, and Susanne Denham, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Development
Dates: 2017-2019
A Cross-Discipline Approach to the Design of Culturally-Relevant Parent Training for Children with Language Delay and Behavior Problems
Co-Principal Investigators: Melissa Baralt, Ph.D. & Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP
Sponsor: Florida International University Faculty Research Support Program (FRS) Pilot
Dates: 2017
An Evidence-Based Parent-Child Relational Intervention for Young Children At-Risk for Abuse and Neglect
Principal Investigator: Miguel T. Villodas, Ph.D.
Co-Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP
Sponsor: Florida Institute for Child Welfare, Florida State University
Dates: 2015-2016
Behavior Problems in Infancy: A Preventive Intervention (K23 MH085659)
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health
Dates: 2010-2015
Language Changes among Infants Receiving Home-Based Behavioral Intervention
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP
Sponsor: Florida International University Center for Children and Families Intramural Award
Dates: 2014-2015
Developing an Intervention for Behavior Problems in Infancy
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D., ABPP
Sponsor: Florida International University Summer Faculty Development Award
Dates: Summer 2010
A Randomized Controlled Trial for Disruptive Behavior of Children Born Premature (F32 HD056748)
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D.
Mentors: Barry M. Lester, Ph.D., Stephen J. Sheinkopf, Ph.D., and Betty R. Vohr, M.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Dates: 2007-2009
Parent Training for Children with Co-Occurring Mental Disorders (F31 MH068947)
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, M.S.
Mentor: Sheila M. Eyberg, Ph.D.
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health
Dates: 2004-2006
Parent Training for Children with Mental Retardation
Principal Investigator: Daniel M. Bagner, M.S.
Sponsor: Children's Miracle Network, Shands Hospital, Gainesville, FL
Dates: 2004-2005