Early Childhood Behavior Lab

The Early Childhood Behavior Lab is under the direction of Dr. Daniel M. Bagner. Research in the lab is conducted under the auspices of the Center for Children and Families and the Department of Psychology at Florida International University, as well as support from the National Institutes of Health. Graduate students in the lab work toward doctoral degrees in pursuit of academic research careers.

The main goal of the lab is to develop and examine interventions for families of infants and young children with behavioral and developmental problems. We conduct studies on the effectiveness of parent-training interventions, such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), with a variety of at-risk and underserved populations, including infants and children with developmental disabilities and low-income families. We also collaborate closely with colleagues at FIU and at other academic institutions on a variety of related research projects.


Left to right: Monica B. Perez, Sofia Lluna, Morganne Warner, Anastassia Cafatti, Enid Moreira, Alexandra Schek, Daniel Bagner, Daniella Vaclavik
Not Pictured: Keara Neuman